Monday, March 26, 2007

Hot Forecast for Weather-Triggered Ads

Ever seen an ad for a frosty Coke when it's absolutely miserably cold outside? Weather Channel is looking to fix that with ads on your cell phone that customize based on the weather in your zip code.

I think a fair number of new technology marketing techniques get hyped way before their time. This one is a bit early, too, but it's a great idea that should do well for the advertisers and the Weather Channel folks.

Because rule #1 for writing a compelling ad is to make it seem like it was written specifically for the person reading it. And what could be smarter than an umbrella ad that only shows up on rainy days, or that frosty Coke ad showing up when you're hot and parched? Weather-triggered ads have existed in other media for a while; it's logical they move to the cell phone.

By the way, the Weather Channel has been a leader in customized delivery of ads, both online and on-the-air, for some time. As a result, they've been included in many of my company's media buys over the years.